Pooling and Mini-Budgets

Pooling allows Staff and work to be allocated to Pools, in order that Staff allocated to those Pools can pick work from the Pool to carry out.

There can be any number of Pools, and individual Staff members can be allocated to multiple Pools.

You can allocate as much work to a Pool as is necessary, and as much of that work can be allocated to any particular Staff member or Staff Type as is necessary.

Work for Self-Scheduling Jobs is allocated to Pools via Mini-Budgets, which are comprised of one or more lines for unique combinations of Stage and Staff Type. (There can be only one instance of any given Staff member assigned to a Stage, but any number of instances of a Staff Type.)

Mini-Budgets must be added to a Self-Scheduling Job before work for that Job can be assigned to Pools.

Stage, Job and Staff Pool maintenance are separate tasks, but all are undertaken in Star PDM.